
bootlab e.v.
gerichtstr 65
13347 berlin/germany
bootlab at bootlab dot org

mission -->
events -->
projects -->
members -->

2008 -->
2007 -->
2006 -->
2005 -->
2004 -->
2003 -->
2002 -->
2001 -->
2000 -->

>>43characters >> -->
"north avenue club" -->
gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) -->
nerd-prostitution -->
speaking books -->
the oil of the 21st century -->
screenings -->
open source tools in design education -->
radio bar -->
radiobar -->
amerikanische botschaft -->
in absentia -->
pirate cinema -->
reboot.fm -->
bar im radio -->
attachment -->
copy cultures -->
bootlab raum 3 -->
kino raum 3 -->
real -->
last tuesday -->

This project has been funded with support
from the European Commision.
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                            forget about internet TM
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                               #10 - nach napster
                         dienstag 24.04.01 ab 21:00 uhr
                        bootlab ziegelstr 23 eingang wmf
                               powered by bmdi.de

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