
bootlab e.v.
gerichtstr 65
13347 berlin/germany
bootlab at bootlab dot org

mission -->
events -->
projects -->
members -->

2008 -->
2007 -->
2006 -->
2005 -->
2004 -->
2003 -->
2002 -->
2001 -->
2000 -->

>>43characters >> -->
"north avenue club" -->
gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) -->
nerd-prostitution -->
speaking books -->
the oil of the 21st century -->
screenings -->
open source tools in design education -->
radio bar -->
radiobar -->
amerikanische botschaft -->
in absentia -->
pirate cinema -->
reboot.fm -->
bar im radio -->
attachment -->
copy cultures -->
bootlab raum 3 -->
kino raum 3 -->
real -->
last tuesday -->

This project has been funded with support
from the European Commision.
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In the last ten years, we have downloaded 15,000 movies, and even though your 
help with watching them is greatly appreciated, we're never going to see them 
all. Which is why ten years ago today (1), we launched what at the time we 
didn't think of as much more than an imaginary movie database (2), even though 
since then, we have spent more time with it than inititally expected (3).

This Sunday's event is not going to be a presentation, but an actual screening. 
And that's quite simply because, after a decade in which there was definitely 
no shortage of mostly hypothetical discussions regarding mostly non-existent 
archives as such, it turns out that there is only one question about the 
archive that we are really interested in. Which is: what can you do with it?

(1) https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20070812
(2) https://0xdb.org
(3) https://pan.do/ra


                                                                       august 13
                                                                           10 pm

                                                                10 years of 0xDB

                                                            pirate cinema berlin
                                                                u kottbusser tor
                                                           e-mail for directions


pirate cinema berlin

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