bootlab e.v. gerichtstr 65 13347 berlin/germany bootlab at bootlab dot org mission --> events --> projects --> members --> 2008 --> 2007 --> 2006 --> 2005 --> 2004 --> 2003 --> 2002 --> 2001 --> 2000 --> >>43characters >> --> "north avenue club" --> gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) --> nerd-prostitution --> speaking books --> the oil of the 21st century --> screenings --> open source tools in design education --> radio bar --> radiobar --> amerikanische botschaft --> in absentia --> pirate cinema --> reboot.fm --> bar im radio --> attachment --> copy cultures --> bootlab raum 3 --> kino raum 3 --> real --> last tuesday --> This project has been funded with support from the European Commision. |
<-- back The Twin Peaks sequel was supposed to be many things, but not the surprise hit it turned out to be. All it needed to do was to meet expectations: David Lynch had to recreate the retro charm of the original series' own retro charm in a contemporary environment, retain its palette of warm reds and browns and maybe add a little digital blue, reapply the magic formula of Blue Velvet one more time and send Kyle MacLachlan on yet another journey to the dark underside of American normality, but sprinkle it with a bit of Mulholland Drive -- with a new generation of twins and doubles, a few fresh faces, and hopefully some adult sex. (In 1991, Twin Peaks didn't have to compete with Game of Thrones.) David Lynch, wisely, chose to play deaf: not just to ignore the demands of contemporary television, but also to demolish 25 years of established Twin Peaks orthodoxy. The new season is very black, sometimes mauve, and brightly yellow in between; it opens in New York, then moves to South Dakota, continues in Las Vegas, and even though it sporadically returns to Twin Peaks, it feels more like an 18-hour version of Inland Empire: a series of experimental short films, a rapid succession of really slow scenes, interlaced with the potential pilots for several new TV shows. A few motifs are borrowed from Lost Highway, but otherwise, Lynch goes all the way back to Eraserhead, and beyond: returns to animation, stop-motion, and some very early cinema. (Not to mention Episode 8, which, in both content and form, remains a bizarre, beautiful and, even by the standards of the new Twin Peaks universe, entirely unexpected outlier.) On Monday morning, the season finale is going to hit the torrent trackers, and we're going to screen it right away, on Monday night. As an extra adventure in copyright infringement, the program will be preceded by our own two-hour edit of the past 16 episodes, which is intended to serve the needs of three types of viewers: those who don't want to see the series at all (but, absent the cake, don't mind the icing), those who still want to watch it (but trust our verdict that the new season is unspoilable by design), and those who have already seen it (but, given the rather anachronistic weekly rhythm of releases, probably the show's only major flaw, feel entitled to an extended recap). Anyone who happens to belong to neither of these categories is welcome to just hang out at the bar. Trailer: https://piratecinema.org/trailers/september4.mp4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- monday september 4 from 7:30 pm 8 pm twin peaks e01-e16 (pirate cinema edit) 120 mins 10 pm twin peaks e17+e18 (season finale) 120 mins pirate cinema berlin u kottbusser tor e-mail for directions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- () >< pirate cinema berlin www.piratecinema.org <-- back |