bootlab e.v. gerichtstr 65 13347 berlin/germany bootlab at bootlab dot org mission --> events --> projects --> members --> 2008 --> 2007 --> 2006 --> 2005 --> 2004 --> 2003 --> 2002 --> 2001 --> 2000 --> >>43characters >> --> "north avenue club" --> gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) --> nerd-prostitution --> speaking books --> the oil of the 21st century --> screenings --> open source tools in design education --> radio bar --> radiobar --> amerikanische botschaft --> in absentia --> pirate cinema --> reboot.fm --> bar im radio --> attachment --> copy cultures --> bootlab raum 3 --> kino raum 3 --> real --> last tuesday --> This project has been funded with support from the European Commision. |
<-- back THE L.A. SINGERS BOOK BERLIN SURFERS OF U.A.E. SAILORS IMAGES BOMBAY GHOSTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the final season of pirate cinema begins on wednesday may 2 9 pm sharp video shaina anand josé bénazéraf kathryn bigelow ericson core paula delsol martin ebner salma el tarzi mark frost philippe garrel jean-luc godard a.j. kardar ferdinand khittl robert luxemburg david lynch silvia maglioni chris marker ariane müller jacques rivette inder salim suzanne schiffman alper solaris ashok sukumaran andrei tarkovsky graeme thomson audio abra beyoncé chromatics chynna coucou chloé carla dal forno lana del rey marika hackman iamddb le1f leikeli47 vera lynn janelle monáe mhysa nico sega bodega shygirl the smiths sufjan stevens vagabon waxahatchee faye webster young m.a neil young drinks vodka soda vodka soda bier annonce: https://piratecinema.org/trailers/s07e01a.mp4 trailer: https://piratecinema.org/trailers/s07e01b.mp4 vorschau: https://piratecinema.org/trailers/s06e01.mp4 pirate cinema kreuzberg bar cinema discotheque e-mail for directions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate Cinema in May: From Narita to Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the Hard Way Sunday, May 13: Celebrating Another 50 Years of Boredom, Part 1 (Paris 2005) Sunday, May 20: Celebrating Another 50 Years of Boredom, Part 2 (Athens 2008) Sunday, May 27: Celebrating Another 50 Years of Boredom, Part 3 (London 2011) Pirate Cinema in July: t.b.a. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WERBUNG 30. April 16 Uhr U Seestraße Antikapitalistische Demonstration http://haendewegvomwedding.blogsport.eu/?p=2712 1. Mai 14 Uhr S Grunewald Wo eine Villa ist, ist auch ein Weg! https://www.hedonist-international.org/erster_mai/ 1. Mai 18 Uhr Oranienplatz Revolutionäre 1. Mai Demonstration https://erstermai.nostate.net/wordpress/ 2. Mai 13 Uhr Senefelder Platz Massendemonstration zum Internationalen Kampf- und Feiertag der Arbeitslosen https://stressfaktor.squat.net/termine.php?day=2018-05-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- () >< pirate cinema berlin www.piratecinema.org <-- back |