
bootlab e.v.
gerichtstr 65
13347 berlin/germany
bootlab at bootlab dot org

mission -->
events -->
projects -->
members -->

2008 -->
2007 -->
2006 -->
2005 -->
2004 -->
2003 -->
2002 -->
2001 -->
2000 -->

>>43characters >> -->
"north avenue club" -->
gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) -->
nerd-prostitution -->
speaking books -->
the oil of the 21st century -->
screenings -->
open source tools in design education -->
radio bar -->
radiobar -->
amerikanische botschaft -->
in absentia -->
pirate cinema -->
reboot.fm -->
bar im radio -->
attachment -->
copy cultures -->
bootlab raum 3 -->
kino raum 3 -->
real -->
last tuesday -->

This project has been funded with support
from the European Commision.
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                          pirate cinema recommends(1)

                          LA FRANCE CONTRE LES ROBOTS                         
                          (FRANCE AGAINST THE ROBOTS)
                            JEAN-MARIE STRAUB, 2020
                                 09:53, 323 MB



(1) even though we have to admit that we're still a bit puzzled by this global
    frenzy of streaming, of video conferencing, of "online world premieres",   
    this mad desire to use the internet to synchronize time across space, when 
    the technology itself, from irc to mailing lists to torrent trackers, 
    clearly suggests otherwise, promises asynchronization, distributedness, 
    bottom-up sustainability(2). we have already ruined radio(3), and it would 
    be really unfortunate if we fucked up the internet too(4).

(2) pirate cinema recommends: https://piratecinema.org/torrents/S08E04.torrent

(3) turned from peer-to-peer into broadcast, as a "crisis response" re 1929

(4) further reading: https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20160925


pirate cinema berlin

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