bootlab e.v. gerichtstr 65 13347 berlin/germany bootlab at bootlab dot org mission --> events --> projects --> members --> 2008 --> 2007 --> 2006 --> 2005 --> 2004 --> 2003 --> 2002 --> 2001 --> 2000 --> >>43characters >> --> "north avenue club" --> gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) --> nerd-prostitution --> speaking books --> the oil of the 21st century --> screenings --> open source tools in design education --> radio bar --> radiobar --> amerikanische botschaft --> in absentia --> pirate cinema --> reboot.fm --> bar im radio --> attachment --> copy cultures --> bootlab raum 3 --> kino raum 3 --> real --> last tuesday --> This project has been funded with support from the European Commision. |
<-- back /* hier noch unsere e-mail vom sonntag vor drei wochen. irgendwie ist uns immer was dazwischengekommen. vom great unwinding ins great deconfinement - so ein jahr ohne termine kann einem schon manchmal ziemlich den zeitplan verhageln. wir hatten das bisher eher im kleineren kreis herumgeschickt - und es ist ja auch bloss eine absage, also was soll's. aber nun gut, wer weiss, vielleicht gibt es ja ein paar pirate cinema completionists unter unseren leserinnen... */ IN EIGENER SACHE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fwd: Re: Pirate Cinema S08E09 https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20200508 > 8. Mai 2020: Run Lola Run Some of you asked: why "Run Lola Run"? So we've tried to explain that here: PIRATE CINEMA S08E09 PT01: WHY RUN LOLA RUN? Annotated Version: https://pad.ma/KYW HD Version: https://piratecinema.org/videos/S08E09_PT01_WHY_RUN_LOLA_RUN YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/zzjbjptNdeE - blocked worldwide (1) > Andrei Tarkovsky, do it again! > David Lynch, do it again! > Jacques Rivette, do it again! > Andrzej Żuławski, do it again! > Roberto Rossellini, do it again! Some of you asked: but where is the film? So we made one(2): PIRATE CINEMA S08E09 PT02: HOW CAN WE LIBERATE OURSELVES FROM FASCISM? Annotated Version: https://858.ma/DAS HD Version: https://piratecinema.org/videos/S08E09_PT02_DO_IT_AGAIN YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/lUuN0fOpiKo - blocked in DE/AT/CH (3) > but i don't understand french! :( We're going to make proper subtitles for both, eventually. For now, the annotated versions should do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S08E10-S08E20 IS CANCELLED https://piratecinema.org/images/OUT_1_IS_CANCELLED.jpg S08E10 IS CANCELLED Sunday, May 10, 8 pm L'abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze (Pierre-André Boutang, Michel Pamart) from "A comme animal" to "G comme gauche" FR 1996, 172 min, fr w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/0408472/info S08E11 IS CANCELLED Monday, May 11, 6 pm L'abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze (Pierre-André Boutang, Michel Pamart) from "H comme histoire de la philosophie" to "Z comme zigzag" FR 1996, 281 min, fr w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/0408472/info S08E12 IS CANCELLED Saturday, May 16, 5 pm Out 1 (Jacques Rivette & Suzanne Schiffman) from "De Lili à Thomas" to "De Sarah à Colin" FR 1971, 396 min, fr w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/0246135/info S08E13 IS CANCELLED Sunday, May 17, 5 pm Out 1 (Jacques Rivette & Suzanne Schiffman) from "De Colin à Pauline" to "De Lucie à Marie" FR 1971, 346 min, fr w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/0246135/info S08E14 IS CANCELLED Tuesday, May 19, 4 pm Twin Peaks S01 (Mark Frost & David Lynch) from "Pilot" to "The Last Evening" US 1990, 411 min, en https://0xdb.org/0278784/info S08E15 IS CANCELLED Wednesday, May 20, 2 pm Twin Peaks S02 (Mark Frost & David Lynch) from "May the Giant Be With You" to "Masked Ball" US 1990, 542 min, en https://0xdb.org/0734826/info S08E16 IS CANCELLED Thursday, May 21, 2 pm Twin Peaks S02 (Mark Frost & David Lynch) from "The Black Widow" to "Beyond Life and Death" US 1991, 516 min, en https://0xdb.org/0734833/info S08E17 IS CANCELLED Saturday, May 23, 3 pm Twin Peaks S03 (Mark Frost & David Lynch) from Episode 1 to Episode 8 US 2017, 463 min, en https://0xdb.org/4108304/info S08E18 IS CANCELLED Sunday, May 24, 1 pm Twin Peaks S03 (Mark Frost & David Lynch) from Episode 9 to Episode 18 US 2017, 569 min, en https://0xdb.org/4108322/info S08E19 IS CANCELLED Saturday, May 30, 4 pm La flor (Mariano Llinas) from Episode 1 to Episode 2 AR 2018, 401 min, es w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/9047474/info S08E20 IS CANCELLED Sunday, May 31, 4 pm La flor (Mariano Llinas) from Episode 3 to Episode 6 AR 2018, 412 min, es w/ en subs https://0xdb.org/9047474/info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is what we had actually planned for May. But our co-host Salma El Tarzi, instead of teaching in Berlin, is stuck in Cairo (she got herself a cat, so no worries!), and that means it's not going to happen any time soon. The idea was to pause time together and watch a couple of long films we had long wanted to see or revisit, most likely with a rather small audience, if at all, and in a slighly more comfortable pirate cinema setting than usual. But then time got paused apart, and space got very fragmented. Of course, German consulates shut down all over the world, since we have bigger problems now(4), and should they one day reopen, then probably with a couple of new items on their forms. We had wanted to watch Out 1 (back to back with Twin Peaks, which owes more to Jacques Rivettes opus longum than David Lynch ever dared to admit) because it's a series about what happens after the revolution(5): "everyday life is still entirely political, the main characters are not individuals, but collectives, and Out 1 captures the moment just before these communes begin to drift into isolation, confusion and paranoia."(6) When I first saw Out 1 properly(7), the idea "to make the equivalent of this, in 2014 in Cairo" ended up in my notes(8) - and that was definitely not the last time Out 1 would become surprisingly present and sometimes even personal(9) for myself and a couple of others.(10) To begin our mini-series with the Abécédaire seemed kind of obvious, and La flor.... well, lets say it's a film you don't want to watch on a laptop screen. Of course, every single brick-and-mortar cinema that we can think of is in the streaming business now(11) - just like almost every other cultural institution on the face of our planet - and most of our friends, when they're not broadcasting(12) their own material (obviously, nobody is watching any of it, because: when?), spend most of their time in that 4 by 4 grid named Zoom that one day will be remembered as the most profound software disaster of our era(13), as the splitscreen hell that most beautifully mirrored the joys and horrors of our global pandemic.(14) And of course, we could totally stream Out 1 for you, we're pretty certain that its intellectual proprietors wouldn't mind - or even notice, fwiw(15) - and we could easily add so many layers of audiovisual commentary that you would probably be forced to rewatch the entire 12 hours and 18 minutes of Rivette/Schiffman's series at least twice. But when Salma and I last spoke, we both agreed that we haven't totally lost our minds yet, and that we intend to keep it that way for the near future. So if you're longing for an Out 1 streaming fest, that cool long weird french film about "after the revolution", about how people get separated from each other, spiral out of touch, begin to mistrust and hate each other, or what's worse: quite simply cannot understand each other anymore, and if you're expecting your hosts to perform this very disposition transcontinentally on Skype or Zoom or Telegram for you, with shitty internet because everyone is either streaming their entire film archives or watching Netflix 24/7, in other words: if you want some truly dystopian real-time political horror porn, then you will have to find a different cinema to make that happen. We cannot do this for you. That also means no "A comme animal" for you tonight, which is unfortunate, "rapport animal à l'animal" and all... but we can send you a cat video(16). Because in the tailwind of Corona, toxoplasmosis(17) is in full effect.(18) Still, Out 1 + Extras is not technically "cancelled", just postponed. We're going to let you know. 2021 is still an option. And who knows... maybe a few things will have become quite radically better by then. It's all up to you ;) (1) See: https://piratecinema.org/images/S08E09_PT01_YOUTUBE.jpg (2) It probably helps if you watch S08E03 (the Hauptfilm) before: https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20200329 (3) See: https://piratecinema.org/images/S08E09_PT02_YOUTUBE.jpg (4) See previous installations, for example S08E08: http://piratecinema.org/screenings/20200503 (5) See S08E06: https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20200429 (6) Via S04E24+E25: https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20151128 (7) As part of "Rivers Without Banks": https://pad.ma/DMG/F (8) Included with https://pad.ma/DMG, even if hard to read (9) Even though https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20151128 reminds us that Out 1 is "a series about madness where madness is never personal" - in case that is good news (it probably is) (10) To be fair, these notes also state: "I thought this'd end much worse". (11) What happened to DRM, by the way? Before Corona, everyone was super afraid of the internet and totally into copyright. And suddenly, there's a new online film festival every other day that leaks enormous quantities of often quite fantastic shorts and longs and video art left, right and center. Of course, we approve of this (even though we've long lost track), but still: 2020 is weird. (12) Broadcasting is easy, archiving is harder(19). For example, we haven't been able to locate any of Karl Holmquist's NKZ balcony performances in replayable form yet. But if you settle for a shitty 96p (sic!) version of "I'm With You in Rockland" - in case you've always missed it at Pirate Cinema, which is rather unlikely - then we're happy to make it available for free for the next 24 hours: https://0xdb.org/0x3CD69583A7845667/player (13) Some of you are still betting on the tracking app, but that's going to be comedy... (14) We're going to provide a couple of screenshots later this year. (15) See, again: https://piratecinema.org/screenings/20151128 (16) https://piratecinema.org/videos/S08E10_SHE_AND_HER_CAT.avi (17) See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis (18) We (a different we) prefer birds these days, just one link further down the food chain. Apparently, quite a few of them have been observed singing entirely new songs last month, when noise pollution briefly ceded. Even though most bird fans don't seem to care what these songs are about. The great dying, probably, one link further down. But of course, we can't tell either. However, we're going to add some bird footage and assorted field recordings to our program, later this season. (19) Obviously, from a technical standpoint, it should be the inverse, but... in many ways, April 2020 seemed like a bizarre sci-fi parody of September 1993(20). (20) See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September THE CLASSIFIEDS SECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.: In case anyone of you presides over a vacant film professorship in Berlin and wishes to offer it to Salma, Pirate Cinema would very much approve of that. Same procedure as last time: Send us an e-mail, we're going to put you in touch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- () >< pirate cinema berlin www.piratecinema.org /* () >< black lives matter justice for george */ <-- back |